Let's talk coffee! Despite popular belief, boiling water does not rid of all contaminants. That's why filtration systems are crucial for your healthiest consumption. With a selection of filtered, bottled water coffee brewers, your contaminant-free lifestyle can continue with your favorite cup of coffee.

Though extremely important, purifying your tap water doesn't stop at a glass of clear and fresh drinking water. Contaminant-free water also extends to things we use water in and for! Clear and Fresh Water ensures that from morning until night, you are equipped with the cleanest freshest water ever.


Contact upon Clear and Fresh Water to be your supplier today! We guarantee your business will benefit having our filtered bottled water coffee brewers on site. Not only that, but we provide break room services as well. Make sure you are stocked up on everything your office needs, such as water and coffee filters, brew cones, stir sticks, and more.

TE-419 - CAFEJO Bottled Water Brewers



Caféjo’s TE-400 series bottled water brewers are designed with the coffee purist in mind. Using your quality bottled water, Cafejo’s consistent 205℉ brewing temperature ensures perfect extraction of your coffee’s complex favors. No plumbing required.

TE-423 - CAFEJO Bottled Water Brewers



Caféjo’s TE-400 series bottled water brewers are designed with the coffee purist in mind. Using your quality bottled water, Cafejo’s consistent 205℉ brewing temperature ensures perfect extraction of your coffee’s complex favors. No plumbing required.

TE-425 - CAFEJO Bottled Water Brewers



Caféjo’s TE-400 series bottled water brewers are designed with the coffee purist in mind. Using your quality bottled water, Cafejo’s consistent 205℉ brewing temperature ensures perfect extraction of your coffee’s complex favors. No plumbing required.